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Monday, January 4, 2016

How to Install AutoVue and Integrate it with Oracle WebCenter Content in details?


AutoVue Installation
To Install AutoVue in details, go forward and use these steps one by one:
- This instructions developed for windows enviroment,,,
- AutoVue MUST Installed using a Static IP address or the name of the server, don't use (localhost or because the Viewer will not worked.

1. Install Apache on port 80 (i.e the default port) for all users.
2. Install AutoVue_OFFICE_20
    - Double Click on AutoVue_OFFICE_20 folder
    - Double Click on AutoVue folder
    - Double Click on ClientServerDeployment folder
      If you install the AutoVue on windows environment double click on   
      If you install the AutoVue on Linux environment double click on jInstall.exe

3. Run the deploy_server.bat install program to install AutoVue and Click on OK 
    to accept the default language.

4. Click on Next to start the installation.

5. Specify the Installation directory with no spaces (recommended) then Click 
    on Next to accept.

6. Choose Standard installation and Click on Next to proceed.

7. Select (In a new Program Group) radio button then click Next.

8. Click on Next after you validate the value for the AutoVue server hostname.

9. Click on Next to accept the default value for the HTTP server host and port
   For example MFAIDI:80 where Apache installed on port 80

10. Click on Next to accept the default value for the HTTP server (Apache).

11. Click on Next to accept the default value for the path of Client JAR and 

12. Click on Install button to proceed with the installation. This will start the 
     first step of the installation.

13. Make sure that (Yes) radio is selected and click on Next button.

14. To be able to successfully register the service, provide the Administrator 
      login and password for windows.
      Account is : "Domain Name"\"Admin User" and password is ******   :)
      Click on Next button to register the service.

15. The installation is now completed, click on the Done button to exit.

To complete the update, then additional manual steps need to be executed:
For CPU and memory usage optimization, the AutoVue documents decoder threads should be limited to 2. To do so, edit the jvueserver.properties file located into the: ...\jVue\bin\allusers.ini
Locate the lines:
# * Set the process pool size for the server
And change the value from 4 to 2 as shown:
then Save the file.

16. Stop the Apache, then Copy the following Jar files
      (gluegen-rt.jar, jogl.jar, jvue.jar) from the jVue installation path: 
      to the Apache Path where the jVue deployed:
      (...\Program Files (x86)\Apache Installation Folder\Apache2.2\htdocs\jVue)
      and start the Apache again.

17. Go to ...\jVue\bin\jvueserver.properties file and UnComment the 
      3 Servlet lines.
      - Shutdown the AutoVue server
      - Start the AutoVue Server

Now you are ready for integration with Oracle WebCenter Content:
1. Deploying Oracle AutoVue VueLink for Oracle UCM
    Double click on VL_For_UCM_201 folder
    Unzip the (VLForUCM.zip) file to for example c:\Oracle

2. When establishing secure communication between the VueLink for UCM and 
    AutoVue, it is necessary to set up an HTTPS configuration. Since VueLink is 
    only certified with Oracle Weblogic, the following steps describe the setup 
    based on Weblogic Application server.
   - In the Weblogic administration console, select the server that the VueLink is      deployed on.
   - From the General Configuration tab, select SSL Listen Port Enabled.
   - Set the port number.
   By default in Weblogic, but not mandatory, the HTTPS port is one number 
   higher than the HTTP port.

   Use the default SSL configuration. Ensure that the web.xml descriptor file for 
   VueLink for UCM uses the following VueServlet init-param:
   param-name = EnableSSL
   param-value = true

   Note: By default, SSL between VueServlet and AutoVue Server is enabled. 
            You have to disable it if the weblogic and UCM is not enable the SSL
            To disable it, change the value of parameter EnableSSL from true to 
            false from C:\Oracle\VLForUCM\Vuelink_war\vuelink\WEB-INF\web.xml

3. Updating adapterconfig.xml so that the VueLink is able to connect to 
    WebCenter Content.
   - In a text editor such as Notepad, browse to the
     (VueLink Unzip Folder)\Vuelink_war\vuelink\WEB-INF\lib folder and open 
   - Perform a search in adpaterconfig.xml for the “host” and replace its 
     property value with the host name where WebCenter Content is installed.

     Note: Verify that the port specified matches the one specified on the 
              WebCenter Content server in the config.cfg file on the server.

   - Save and close the text editor.

4. Updating config.cfg so that WebCenter Content can receive requests from 
    the VueLink machine.
   - In a text editor such as Notepad, browse to the \cs\config folder and 
     open config.cfg.
   - Perform a search in config.cfg for SocketHostAddressSecurityFilter. The 
     result will display with list of IP addresses assigned to it.
   - Add to this list the IP address of the machine where VueLink is installed.
     For Example: 
   - Save and close the text editor.

5. Customizing Oracle WebCenter Content to register the AutoVue component 

    with WebCenter Content. When you successfully complete this task, the View 
    in AutoVue menu should appear in the WebCenter Content interface.
   - Login to Oracle WebCenter Content as Administrator.
   - From the Administration menu, and then select Admin Server, the Content 
     Admin Server page appears.
   - From the main page, click on the link for advanced component manager, 
     the Advanced Component Manager appears. 
   - To install a new component, scroll to the bottom of the page, and then click 
      Browse in the Install New Component section. The File Upload dialog 
   - Navigate to the folder containing the VueLink module for WebCenter 
     Content, and select AutoVue.zip.

     Note: This file is usually found on the media pack under the 
              (VueLink Unzip Folder)\dms_customization folder.

   - Click Install.

     Note: If the AutoVue component is listed as a disabled component, select it 
              and click Enable.

   - From the Options panel, click General Configuration.
   - To automatically assign a content ID, select the Automatically assign a 
      content ID on check in check box.
   - Click Save.
   - Restart the WebCenter Content service.
   - After the WebCenter Content server is restarted, the following an alert 
     appears in the WebCenter Content Search page stating that the index 
     collection must be rebuilt, so you should use fast rebuild from the indexer in 
     the Repository Manager.
   - when updating your version of AutoVue, you must copy the new JAR files 
     (gluegen-rt.jar, jogl.jar, and jvue.jar) from the 
     (AutoVue Install Root)\bin directory to the
     (WebCenter Content installation)\cs\custom\AutoVue\common directory.
   - When the server restarts, the JAR files are then automatically updated to 
     (WebCenter Content installation)\cs\weblayout\common folder.
   - You must update the vueservlet.jar located in the 
     (VueLink Unzip Folder)\Vuelink_war\vuelink\WEB-INF\lib with
     the vueservlet.jar located in the 
     (AutoVue Install Root)\bin directory.
   - Once vueservlet.jar has been updated, you must redeploy the VueLink Web

     Note: If you are deploying VueLink Web application in a WAR format, you 

              must regenerate a new WAR file after the vueservlet.jar is updated in 
              the folder and then redeploy the newly generated WAR file through   
              the server console.
              If you are deploying VueLink Web application using its folder, you can 
              simply redeploy the folder through the server console.

6. Verification

    To verify that the AutoVue component has been installed in the WebCenter 
    Content perform the following steps:
   - Login to Oracle WebCenter Content as Administrator, The Search page 
   - Click Search, The Search Results page appears.
   - From the actions column click 

   - The View in AutoVue and Email AutoVue Link menu options should appear.

7. Updating autovue_environment.cfg
    Note: Skip this update if the VueLink is deployed on the same application

             server as WebCenter Content (recommended).
   - In a text editor such as Notepad, browse to the

     (WebCenter Content installation)\cs\custom\AutoVue folder and open 
   - In autovue_environment.cfg, perform a search for the following:
     VueLinkHostName: Set it to the host name where Application is running.
     VueLinkPort4HTTP: Set it to the port number of the Managed Server on 
                                  which the VueLink is deployed.
     VueLinkPort4HTTPS: Set it to the HTTPS port number of the Managed
                                   Server on which the VueLink is deployed.
     VueLinkContext: Set it to the context name that VueLink is deployed.

8. Updating web.xml

    to update web.xml in order to configure settings in the VueLink. 
    For example, you can set verbosity, the AutoVue server host name, 
    WebCenter Content search criteria, and so on.
   - In a text or XML editor, open the web.xml file located in the
    (VueLink Unzip Folder)\Vuelink_war\vuelink\WEB-INF directory.
   - Locate the JVueServer parameter under the VueServlet initialization 
      parameters section.
   - In this section, perform the following specify the host name of the machine 
     that the AutoVue server is running on and the port that AutoVue is listening 
     to for connection. These values must be specified in the following format:

    The default value for the AutoVue port is 5099. It must be the same as the 
    jvueserver.socket.port parameter inside jvueserver.properties in the 
    AutoVue bin directory.

9. Installing the CIS Client

    VueLink uses the Content Integration Suite (CIS) to communicate with the 
    backend WebCenter Content system, the CIS file located in
   The following steps describe how to install the CIS client:
   - Locate the cis-client-11g.jar file in the WebCenter Content distribution 
     For example: (WebCenter Content-home)\Distribution\CIS
   - Copy the cis-client-11g.jar file to the 
      (VueLink Unzip folder)Vuelink_war\vuelink\WEB-INF\lib directory.

10. Customizes the default resources ESAPI.properties
           Go to startWebLogic.bat and edit it using note plus and add the following
      line at the end and before the (ENDLOCAL)
      set =%JAVA_OPTIONS% -Dorg.owasp.esapi.resources= 
      to deploy the VueLink war file in the weblogic successfully 

11. Verifying that VueServlet is Running Properly

      Here is an example of a URL:
      http://(VueLink Host Machine):/vuelink/VueServlet
      A green OK message should appear on the screen with some information
      about the build number and date of VueServlet along with the hostname of 
      the AutoVue server and its port number.

12. Verifying that VueLink is Running Properly
      The following is an example of a URL:
      http://(VueLink Host Machine):/vuelink/DMS
      The following screenshot shows a sample response if VueLink is running 
      properly. If you do not get a response similar to the one shown, verify that 
      the VueLink Servlet is installed and deployed properly and that your 
      application server is running and functioning properly.

Important Notes:
- After everything is done and if the AutoVue doesn't work, please take the 
  jvue.jar file that located in the installation folder and update it in all locations 
  under the apache folder and under the jVue folder and under the Webcenter 
  Domain folder where in the domain please replace them under 

- You Must Create a content type named by Markup and Create an information 
  field named (Markup_BasedID
  field order =2
  Check Enable on user interface

- Don't use the localhost in the browser the AutoVue will not work, use the IP 

  address for the server or the server name.

- To make the AutoVue working in the IE and Chrome browsers, you have to 

   allow the pop-ups blockers and enable the ActiveX control.

Mohammad K. Faidi
 "Think Positive"

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