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Thursday, January 7, 2016

How to force deleting all contents in Oracle UCM?


Sometimes your UCM is in a bad state, and database has records a lot of contents that it does not have on disk. So if you try to delete all contents via the Archiver, it fails with a message saying "There are too many errors".

To solve this problem you have two ways,
1. Try to solve the current environment state and keep contents.
2. Delete all contents from DB directly without losing your UCM configuration
    and structure, and refresh the environment.

In this post I will give you how to do that in two ways...

First one:
- Try to solve the current environment state and keep contents.
  To do so, run the IdcAnalyzer tool which will create batchscript with all the 
  broken content items links and once you execute that (some of the contents 
  would be deleted).

  Run the IdcAnalyzer From
  Content Server Home/bin execute IdcAnalyzer with the command option -doall

  This will check UCM file system , db , and indexes everything, and after you 
  check that everything was solved you can use the Archiver to force deleting 
  all contents.

Second one:
- Delete all contents from DB directly without losing your UCM configuration 
  and structure, and refresh the environment.
  To do So, login to your cs DB user and clean the following tables:

 Then ran the IdcAnalyze tool to see if you had created some problems there, 
  it should reported no problems, and now your UCM is cleaned and with no 

Mohammad K. Faidi
  "Think Positive"

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